About Me

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I am a self published author from Brooklyn, New York. I have been publishing my work since 2004 and currently have four titles on the market in print and ebook format. I write horror and fantasy fiction as well as books for young adult. I am also a playwright with stage productions in and around New York City. Visit my website at www.hobbcatpublishing.com

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Thank You to all who came by the Hobbcat Publishing, Inc. Table

I wanted to say thank you to all of you who came by our table at the Brooklyn Book Fair this weekend. Even if you didn't purchase a book, meeting all of you was a sheer joy.

Those of you who did purchase copies of my work, I hope you are enjoying them.

Keep your eye out for my new novel coming later in October called Anthorrorgy: A collection of horror and suspense stories written by yours truly.

We will be at Boys and Girls HS on Saturday September 27th again promoting and selling our work.

Until next time, take care.

Marc L Abbott

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